Modern Approaches to the Treatment of Anal Fistulas
anal fistula, sphincter preserving techniques, fecal incontinenceAbstract
The treatment of anal fistulas presents a challenge for surgeons because of their high incidence and recurrence rate, prolonged healing time, because we still do not have a single standardized technique that fits all, and last but not least, possible problems with some types of postoperative continence disturbance that may occur in cases of inadequate treatment. The most common symptoms that patients have who suffer from this disease are constant anal pain and soiling from the fistula tract which undoubtedly decreases the patient’s quality of life. Most fistulas have cryptoglandular etiology, but also may be associated with Crohn’s disease, trauma, radiation etc. This text gives an overview of modern approaches in anal fistula treatment with the emphasis on sphincter preserving techniques.
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